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The Alligator News Roundup
Special Bulletin #4

Special Bulletin #4

Via Christi Foundation

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Okay, here is something you should know.

Our good friends at Via Christi Foundation support the network of Ascension hospitals in 19 states, including St. Francis Hospital in Wichita, where I was treated for Leukemia last year.

In this special bulletin, I am going to ask you to contribute to the Via Christi Foundation so that they may provide Alligator Wrestling books and other support to cancer patients.

To cut to the chase, click this link.

But I would like for you to read on and be informed.

What Via Christi Does

The Via Christi Foundation provides patients with many direct services, including cash assistance with travel and lodging, a huge barrier to many in treatment.

The Foundation also supports other groups both in and out of the Ascension family. One of those is the Via Christi CyberKnife Center in Wichita. I regularly take part in the St. Francis Patient Advisory Board meetings, and we hear briefings on new procedures to detect and treat various cancers right here in Wichita.

The work they do is astonishing, and particularly the laser-based surgeries performed at CyberKnife can be virtually non-invasive. That means far less recovery time, and far less discomfort, for the patient. It also means much greater accuracy in the surgery and a higher success rate.

But the patient has to be at the CyberKnife center to get treated.

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Outside the Ascension family there are related cancer services at work, for example Victory in the Valley, the Ronald McDonald House and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Via Christi Foundation, because of their size and reach, has been known to use their resources to assist other agencies like these as well.


What the Alligator Does

Meanwhile, I continue to volunteer at the St. Francis Cancer Unit regularly. Many Friday afternoons will find me spreading joy and happiness in the cancer ward — sometimes a tough sell.

I sign and hand out complimentary copies of Alligator Wrestling in the Cancer Ward, offering what encouragement I can to patients and family. If it seems appropriate, I will offer to pray with them.

(To cut to the chase, click this link.)

We have a display in a family room on the ward where people can take, at no charge, other copies of Alligator Wrestling if they know someone who needs the encouragement and Gospel message found there.

Some of the cleaning staff have a few copies stashed in their cleaning carts, to offer to patients throughout the hospital. It is not unusual to see a housekeeper praying with a patient.

Marva and me

All those copies given away have been donated, mostly by others, some by me.

The need continues. Every time I visit, a few more copies have walked away, probably with someone who needs words of encouragement in a time of great darkness.

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To say this is a blessing is nothing but the truth.

The Offer

Via Christi Foundation approached me with a request to make Alligator Wrestling in the Cancer Ward available through the Foundation to patients and caregivers. They have set up an Alligator Wrestling landing page on their website.

This enables me to direct those interested to the Foundation, where your tax deductible gift can be used for ministries at Via Christi.

The Ask

I need more books to hand out to cancer patients and caregivers, not only at the St. Francis Cancer Unit, but also at CyberKnife. Through the Foundation, you can make those available.

We have donated several copies to Victory in the Valley. There are other needs I have not yet approached: Wesley Hospital, KU Med Center, other Ascension properties, the St. Francis Hospice care facility. Alligator Wrestling should put in an appearance there.

Obviously, reading the book is not for everybody, but it is for somebody.

I would ask you contribute to the Via Christi Foundation, not only to make available copies of Alligator Wrestling, but also for other needs in the treatment of those who have been surprised by cancer, just as I was.


And yes, it is true that I will personally benefit, to an extent, from your gift. If that holds you back, then let it hold you back. The need will still be there.

The link to the Via Christi site is in the menu at Look for the item that says Donate to Via Christi. Part of the deal is that your donation can also get you a copy of the book, which you can keep, or pass on to another. Every copy we provide through Via Christi is signed by the author.

(To cut to the chase, click this link.)

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I really appreciate your support for what has turned into a surprising Christian ministry.

Cattle Baron’s Ball, Wichita, 2023 (Thanks, cousin, for the pic!)

I expect you will understand when I say that I did not choose this path. But it seems to have been chosen for me, and here we are.

Thanks for your help, and may God bless you.

Click this link to go to the Via Christi contribution page. And thanks for reading the whole thing.

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The Alligator News Roundup
The Alligator News Roundup is a review of selected news items of the week with commentary, which some find sarcastic, dryly humorous and entertaining.