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The Alligator News Roundup
The Alligator Blog Special Bulletin #3 -- The New Book!

The Alligator Blog Special Bulletin #3 -- The New Book!

The Alligator Wrestler's 52-Week Devotional Guide

October 31, 2023

The Alligator Blog, a Special Bulletin

Yes, I know, you have all been on the edge of your seats wondering when the sequel to Alligator Wrestling in the Cancer Ward is coming out. I can understand the anticipation and I am happy to announce it has arrived just in time for the flood of Christmas-time orders we expect.

The Alligator Wrestler’s 52-Week Devotional Guide will be available for ordering next week, at Amazon and wherever books are sold. The paperback and eBook versions will launch this coming Monday, November 6. The audio version will be available at Audible, Barnes & Noble and about anyplace else shortly thereafter.

The 52 Week Devotional Guide is a collection of short snippets (3-4 pages each) from life on the farm, career, family and vacations, usually highlighting things that didn’t work. Such as broken shock absorbers, blown transmissions, dead batteries and the like. Each story has a Scripture lesson wrapped around it and a few questions for reflection, to help you think through and write down your own challenges.

The Alligator Wrestler’s 52-Week Devotional Guide: A Leukemia Survivor’s Reflections on Life, with Bittersweet Memories, Biblical Insight and a Healthy Dose of Dry Humor

For those of you keeping up with the Monday editions of The Alligator Blog, the episodes called Alligator, Briefly Said draw from this material. The 52-Week Devotional Guide is the written compilation of those short blog posts.

This is a book to use as the title suggests: a devotional guide. I know there are some of you who will binge through it the first night. Which I highly encourage, as long as you gift it to someone else, and then buy another dozen for your other likely friends.

Book Signing, November 28

And, don’t miss the book signing at the Friends University Library on Tuesday, November 28, 5:00-7:00pm. I look forward to seeing you there!

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The Alligator News Roundup
The Alligator News Roundup is a review of selected news items of the week with commentary, which some find sarcastic, dryly humorous and entertaining.