The Alligator Blog
The Alligator News Roundup
The Alligator News Roundup

The Alligator News Roundup

September 15, 2023

It’s the Top Five news items you may have missed, if you were doing something important instead of surfing the web for outrageous news items, like some of us do.

Number Five. Your Tango dot com. McDonald’s franchise forbids employees from quitting

I knew it was a new era two years ago when I saw the sign in the local Mickey D’s advising customers that some of their staff were 15 and 16 year olds. Translation: (1) Be nice to them, they’re just kids. (2) We can’t find actual adults who are willing to come to work so we’re gonna give these a try.

Now it has taken a new twist.

A McDonald's franchise has stirred controversy by hanging a sign declaring itself a "no-quit restaurant.” Employees have been told that they cannot resign without prior management approval. In an industry known for high turnover rates, this move has ignited outrage and legal concerns.

Maybe the low wages will lead to a juicy class-action payoff.

The sign, whose origins remain uncertain, insists that employees must meet with management to resolve any issues prompting their desire to quit, asserting that "many situations can be resolved."

One of those situations is conceivably, “I can make another 3 bucks an hour at Home Depot,” and how that can be resolved – short of paying another 3 bucks an hour – may be one of those situations that CANNOT be resolved through discussions with management.

Critics argue that an individual's decision to quit a job, be it in fast food or any other sector, should not require managerial consent. [Duh!] As in, “None of your business. I’m outta here!”

Social media responses have been swift and condemnatory. TikTok users – by whose reactions about everything in America is now measured – questioned how the restaurant justified this policy when its CEO makes about a billion dollars a year.

Others raised legal concerns, pointing out that the sign may violate the law in most U.S. states, which grant employees the right to resign freely without explanation. [Again: Duh!]

The notion of prohibiting departure conjures up some perplexing scenarios. What if an employee simply doesn’t come to work? A knock on the apartment door by the Hamburger Gestapo?

But I CAN see new career opportunities. Wanted: Force Retention Manager, only large-frame, muscular males in body-builder shirts need apply.

Number Four. U.S. News dot com. New Mexico Governor suspends right to carry

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has apparently never seen a copy of the U.S. Constitution, has issued an emergency order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque and the surrounding county. The order will be in effect for a minimum of 30 days, or until you are shot you dead in the street, either by lawbreakers who can see that you are not armed or by police who can see that you are, whichever comes first.

The emergency declaration is in response to a recent surge in gun violence. The decision comes after a series of recent, and for the governor, quite convenient shootings in the area.

Not to make light of the homicides; every one of them is serious. Serious enough, in fact, that an armed bystander might be well advised to intervene in a way that would prevent death or serious injury. Which probably would require said bystander to be armed with something besides a stick he found in the gutter.

The suspension of the right to carry is categorized as an emergency public health order. Of course it, because nothing – nothing! – is more important to New Mexicans than their health.

The suspension will not apply to police or licensed security guards.

I actually wonder why not. If no one can carry a gun – and no one can, now that the Governor has told them not to – then why risk a racist white supremacist cop, which I am told abound throughout this country – going off on somebody?

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Predictably, the order faces resistance from the usual suspects – rightwing political actors who were probably all J6 co-conspirators, if only we could find some evidence to pin it on them – whose fault it is that gang-bangers steal guns and decide to murder people with them.

You’d think there would be a law against THAT.

In fact, why don’t we just have an emergency order suspending murder for 30 days?

The Albuquerque police chief and the Bernalillo County Sheriff have indicated they will not enforce the emergency order. Probably a good idea, to avoid gun battles in the street with citizens who HAVE read the Constitution.

The Sheriff is elected, so I get his resistance. But the Police Chief probably took some kind of oath when he was sworn in. That language should be checked.

Okay I just checked it. New Mexico statute chapter 3, section 3-10-2: “Any officer elected or appointed to any municipal office shall take an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States, the constitution and laws of New Mexico and to faithfully perform the duties of his office.”

Wow… this is something like the problem faced by HAL, that computer fellow in 2001 a Space Odyssey. The Chief is obligated to obey the U.S. Constitution and also New Mexico state laws, which presumably include an emergency order from the Governor. Maybe the Chief should get a lawyer.

Governor Lujan Grisham defended her decision, emphasizing the need to make New Mexicans feel safer.

So… from this article we conclude that New Mexicans value their health and feeling safe.

The legal fate of the order remains uncertain, but supporters see it as a necessary step to curb gun violence in the state.

Of course, they do, because nothing says health and safety like advertising the fact that everyone on the street is unarmed.

Do these people not understand that mass shootings only occur in places where everyone is unarmed?

Number Three. Breitbart dot com. We are NOT paying ransom to Iran, just giving them access to money

Interviewed on MSNBC, that gold standard of objective journalism with hard-hitting “speak truth to power” challenges, White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby clarified the U.S. plan to recover our citizens from Iran.

When the U.S. pays the $6 billion for release of the 5 American citizens currently held by Iran, which Iran demanded in exchange for their release, we are NOT paying a ransom of $6 billion.

What we ARE doing is allowing Iran to access $6 billion of their own money which is on deposit with U.S. banks.

The reason Iran could not access the $6 billion before now, is that the U.S. was punishing Iran for doing things like taking U.S. hostages and holding them for ransom.

So, it should be clear: When Iran said they would release the hostages in exchange for $6 billion, this is not even in the same universe as the notion that Iran said they would release the hostages in exchange for $6 billion.

Mr. Kirby is not even sure why the question would even come up, given the hard line the U.S. has taken with Iran.

The U.S. has asserted time and again that it takes a very hard line against Iranian hostage taking, and how badly Iran treats their own citizens, and attacks civilian shipping, and supports terrorists, and gives Russia drones to use in Ukraine, and other red herrings that have nothing whatsoever to do with paying $6 billion ransom for 5 U.S. hostages.

Number Two. BBC dot com. Critically ill 19-year-old fights NHS over treatment.

This is one of those heart-warming stories that shows just how compassionate a government structure can be when it comes to giving the proper level of care to someone who is really, really, sick.

A 19-year-old girl, referred to by the initials ST, to protect her privacy (and possibly to avoid legal retribution, seeing that she is about to be murdered), and her family are in a legal battle with the UK’s National Health Service.

It seems that ST has a rare genetic mitochondrial disease, whereby cells in her body fail to generate the energy required for physical development and cognitive processes. In particular, it attacks brain, heart and liver.

There is no known cure for this condition and it gets progressively worse. The UK hospital deems her condition as "actively dying."

Active enough that, although communication is difficult, she has been able to assert that she wants her life to be marked by the effort to live. “I want to try everything,” she has said.

Part of the “everything” is an experimental treatment available in Canada.

Not so fast, says the judge with the National Health Service.

Lots of reasons are provided why this would be a really bad idea. There is no guarantee the treatment would help; there is no offer from the Canadians to assist; there is no trial available because of lack of funding; ST would not qualify for the experimental trial anyway.

There is frankly no reason at all for the judge to see any path forward except to take her off life support. The fact that ST and her family have asserted they would like to try, does not play into this situation.

ST’s doctors report that she is in, or at least is about to be in, the final stage of her life. And if the NHS has their way, that is probably a true statement.

Number One. Not the Bee dot com. Antidote to chaos, courtesy of Alice Cooper

Well. Here’s one you might find interesting.

Alice Cooper, the male rock star known as the Godfather of Shock Rock, made his name in the Sixties with a stage show that featured props like pyrotechnics, guillotines, electric chairs, fake blood, reptiles, baby dolls, and dueling swords.

Not for the faint of heart.

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Alice, born Vincent Damon Furnier, who turned 75 this year, posted a video on Twitter this week. Let me have him tell you in his own words:

Most people I know, young people I know, think Jesus Christ is a swear word... people go out of their way not to believe in him...

I think it's because people don't wanna give up their godship. They believe the Hollywood version of, "oh, I do more good than bad" that kind of thing. And I go, "Satan's got you right where he wants you."

Because I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the father but by me. Those are the truest words ever spoken and how can you deny that?

So as far as I'm concerned, my life is based on that now. Rock and roll allows me to be a rock and roller. But, "follow me."

I will bet you did not see that coming form Alice Cooper. I certainly didn’t.

John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Matthew 4:19 Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

And now… Enjoy your weekend! And see if you can find a way, just some small way, to follow Jesus!


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The Alligator Blog
The Alligator News Roundup
The Alligator News Roundup is a review of selected news items of the week with commentary, which some find sarcastic, dryly humorous and entertaining.