About Curt


I’m Curt Ghormley. I live with my wife Lynn in Benton, Kansas, a small town outside Wichita. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Kansas and an MBA from Wichita State University. I am retired from a Fortune 500 technology company.

In 2022, my world was turned upside down with an unexpected diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), a fast-moving cancer that kills 12,000 Americans each year. Doctors also identified a rare genetic mutation of white blood cells, the dreaded FLT-3 variant, that reduces the five-year chance of survival to less than 15 percent.

We shall see. As of this writing, it’s in remission.

I spent 83 days in the hospital with multiple life-threatening complications, but gutted out a social media journal update every day, except for a couple of exciting days in an Intensive Care Unit.

Over three months, I also memorized the cafeteria menu.

Life is a gift, believe me, and gifts are to be passed on. How do I share this one?

At The Alligator Blog you will find multiple weekly posts:

  • The Alligator Interview Series brings you discussions with real people doing real things.

  • Alligator Considerations offers current or historical events. I like politics, culture, stories of the sea, military history.

  • The Alligator News Roundup is a short compendium of outrageous stories of the week with my own slightly sarcastic interpretation.

There may be other features as we go along. All my content is shaded with Biblical insight, because I believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ is fundamental to a proper worldview. You may or may not buy that, but I believe it is worthwhile, and the snarky irreverence makes it palatable.

Also, because you are probably quite busy, the above offerings are provided as podcasts for your listening pleasure during your harried daily commute. Some posts also provide full transcripts with pics and hypertext links so you can fact check me.

And… why Alligator? Because my book is called Alligator Wrestling in the Cancer Ward: How a Christian Tough-Guy Survived Leukemia with Gallows Humor, One-Liners, and a Praying Posse. Order it at www.alligatorpublishing.com or wherever books are sold.

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I write a weekly commentary on politics and culture with Biblical insight and somewhat irreverent humor.


In 2022, sudden cancer turned the world upside down. By God’s grace I survived – so far – with what I hope to be optimism, resiliency, and humor.